Sunday, June 21, 2020


I am not a politician. - Erskine Bowles Quotes -

I admit that what I am and what I do as a Christian has political implications. But I am not a politician. Politics is not the same thing with what I do in the context of my identity as part of the Kingdom of God. I don't seek justice, peace and prosperity in the language of politics or even of economics. They involve them yes, but they are far greater than the rhetoric of politicians.

The kingdom of God speaks of righteousness, peace, and joy. But these are not defined from the perspective of humanism. Man is not the center of the Kingdom. God is. We cannot have righteousness, peace, and joy independent of God. Man's wholeness is not achieved by the mere presence of justice, peace, and prosperity. We must be naive to think so. We have so many examples of men and women who live such lives. But they never possess real peace and joy. I could not even talk of them being righteous. That is just unthinkable.

The righteousness, peace, and joy of the kingdom is received only through the person of Jesus Christ. Such relationship brings us to the reality of divine-human relation necessary for having the maxims of the Kingdom of God. Paul never had his eyes on what Caesar could offer. He was in Rome not to proclaim a political manifesto. He went there to proclaim Christ as the Lord of creation and nations. Jesus is the new King that invites men and women into the new creation.

It is in this context that I as a Christian speak of justice, peace, and prosperity in the language of the kingdom of God that offers me more than what politicians or even this world could afford to give. Hence, let me make it very clear, I m not a politician. I am a Christian. I serve the King and His kingdom. Our message is righteousness, peace, and joy in Jesus my only Lord and King.

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    As a Christian, a pastor and a professor, the gospel is at the heart of what I do. It defines not only the message I share to people...